Five Factors in Choosing the Best Radiation Safety Glasses for Your Needs

Radiation safety is crucial. Regular exposure to radiation can lead to serious medical conditions. The eye is particularly susceptible to the dangers presented by radiation and requires special attention. Medical facilities and their staff must find the best radiation safety glasses to prevent serious career-shortening injuries. Read on to learn about the importance of radiation protection eyewear and how to choose radiation glasses that meet your needs.

Why Are Lead Glasses Necessary?

Radiation safety glasses are an important component of radiation protection practices. Based on the recommended standards of the International and National Conferences on Radiation Protection, the need for such precautions is clear cut. The conferences recommend that annual radiation exposure for eyes be limited to 15 RADs, but some estimates indicate that practitioners are exposed to levels as high as 36 RADs annually. The inherent dangers become obvious when you consider the conferences’ conclusion that cataract formation can occur from a cumulative dose between 200 and 500 RADs. Lead glasses play an important role in decreasing exposure to radiation.

How Do Radiation Safety Glasses Work?

The best radiation safety glasses will efficiently and reliably protect your eyes from harmful radiation. The lenses in protective eyewear absorb the radiation and scatter it away from the eye. Radiation exposure can be reduced by up to 98% with the use of lead safety glasses.

Who Should Wear Radiation Safety Glasses?

Radiation eyewear is crucial in a wide range of circumstances. After all, particle accelerators, irradiators, X-rays, radiographs and electron microscopes all emit radiation, and those are just a few examples. Lead safety glasses can be found in settings ranging from dentist offices to fluoroscopy departments to cath labs and more. Professionals like radiologists, dental hygienists and even pilots turn to radiation safety glasses for protection. Depending on the procedure, patients also can benefit from using protective eyewear.

What to Look For in Radiation Eyewear

Shopping for lead glasses is like shopping for any other type of eyeglasses. But, considering what’s at stake, you want to take even more care in selecting the best radiation safety glasses for your circumstances. A clear understanding of your needs is a must. You should browse carefully through the possible options and narrow your choices down based on your specific requirements. Testing your radiation safety glasses after purchase can help ensure you’ve got the right eye protection. Other factors to consider include:

1. Type of Exposure

The radiation safety glasses you need depend on the type of radiation exposure you’re subjected to. All-around exposure may require glasses with side shields, while straight-on exposure may allow the selection of a more simple type of lead safety eyewear.

2. Level of Protection

Because of lead’s inherent dangers, true lead-lined glasses are rare. Instead, the lenses are made of durable material with properties that mimic the results of lead. You’ll want a lead equivalency rating of at least 0.5 mm in the lenses and at least 0.25 in the side shields. Some options, like RayShield® Max Protection SportsView Glasses, have lenses with 0.75 lead equivalency.

3. Lens Quality

Optically correct lenses are crucial. You need to be able to see clearly through your radiation eyewear. A commitment to highly quality-controlled manufacturing processes will ensure that your vision is not obscured. An option for prescription lenses, as with RayShield® Dual Protector X-Ray Glasses, can also be useful.

4. Fit

Radiation safety glasses that offer a snug fit against your face can provide additional protection for your eyes. You’ll want to look for eyeglasses that fit comfortably on your nose, with earpieces that rest on or curve around your ears. An online retailer that provides measurements for the protective eyewear it sells can help ensure you order the best-fitting glasses.

5. Style

While protection from radiation exposure is paramount, style is still something to consider in selecting radiation safety glasses. It makes sense to find a style you’re comfortable with for something that you’ll be wearing for large parts of every day.

How to Identify the Best Radiation Safety Glasses Provider

You want a company with a proven traffic record in producing dependable, high-quality lead glasses. A company-wide commitment to customer service is another must. Look at testimonials to gauge the provider’s overall track record.

Order Your Radiation Safety Glasses from AADCO Medical

AADCO Medical is the acknowledged leader in lead glasses. We have years of experience in delivering the fit, comfort, style and protection that you expect from your protective eyewear. Now that you know how to choose radiation glasses, start shopping today for the best radiation safety glasses that meet your needs.

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